Fully Vested

ZIRPity Do Dah

Episode Summary

We continue our discussion of how Zero Interest Rate Policy impacts macroeconomic factors including real estate, public markets and private investing.

Episode Notes


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ZIRP Has Been Eating The World

More about ZIRP

ZIRP as possible explanatory variable for some recent trends

If ZIRP results in both the cost of money being low, and sources of risk-free returns in excess of inflation to dry up, then it follows that the later stages of an economic cycle under ZIRP may be characterized by speculative surges in certain markets and assets.

Possible recent events spurred on by ZIRP:

This said, much like how no individual severe weather event can be tied to global climate change, few if any of these speculative rushes can be directly attributed to ZIRP. But just like how a warming planet is more likely to generate severe weather events with greater frequency, the froth and churn of markets grows choppier under ZIRP.

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